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The Price of Cheap Rent

A NYC transplant and aspiring artist speaks to a documentary crew about her struggles finding an affordable home in her dream city, while being true to herself as an artist. Now that she's finally found what seemed like the perfect studio apartment, she's dealing with the supernatural price of cheap rent. Blending the styles of documentary filmmaking and internet profile pieces, this mini mockumentary pokes fun at aspirational living. The Price of Cheap Rent uses humor to reflect on the economic and ethical challenges for Black millennials in rapidly gentrifying neighborhoods. 


The Artist- Amina Sutton

The Landlord- Wyatt Cenac

Directors- Amina Sutton & Maya Tanaka

Writer- Amina Sutton

Executive Producers- Amber Dennis, Amina Sutton, & Maya Tanaka

Producer- Selah Peterson

Director of Photography- Alexa Mignon Hiramitsu

Art Director- Katie Quinlisk

Editor- Priscilla Mena

Composer- Jacob Rosati

Sound- Alanna Murray

Gaffer- Julia Gowesky

Makeup- Blythe Irish

Title Design- Jeanette Lee




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